euNetworks launches Stuttgart network

Stuttgart, Frankfurt, GERMANY – 26th April 2007 – euNetworks (headquarters: Frankfurt/Main), operator of one of Europe’s highest capacity telecommunications fiber networks, is today launching its fiber network in Stuttgart. The regional capital will be linked into a European network with connections between Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France and Belgium. The long-haul network is 6611 kilometers long and connects 40 cities, including city networks for the ‘last mile’ in 15 European centers: Frankfurt a.M., Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart, Hanover, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Paris, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Utrecht, London and Dublin. „Stuttgart is well-known as one of the most important and most innovative business regions in Germany. Many well-known large and medium-sized businesses operating on international markets are located here. We are delighted to be able to offer a highly available, cross-national communications solution to these businesses,’ says CTO Albrecht W. Kraas. euNetworks has established a team comprising sales, pre-sales and operations to serve business clients in Stuttgart.


About euNetworks

euNetworks is a bandwidth infrastructure company, owning and operating 18 fibre based metropolitan networks connected with a high capacity intercity backbone covering 53 cities in 17 countries. The company leads the market in data centre connectivity, directly connecting over 559 today. euNetworks is also a leading cloud connectivity provider, directly connecting to all key cloud platforms with access to additional platforms. The company offers a targeted portfolio of metropolitan and long haul services including Dark Fibre, Wavelengths, and Ethernet. Wholesale, finance, content, media, data centre and enterprise customers benefit from euNetworks’ unique inventory of fibre and duct based assets that are tailored to fulfil their high bandwidth needs.

Hannah Britt
Chief Marketing Officer
Hannah Britt CMO