• Investor Relations


euNetworks is a Western European bandwidth infrastructure company. The company is privately held and owns and operates 18 fibre based metropolitan networks across Europe connected with a high capacity intercity backbone covering 53 cities in 17 countries. The company leads the market in data centre connectivity, directly connecting over 545 in Europe today. euNetworks is also a leading cloud connectivity provider, directly connecting to all key cloud platforms with access to additional platforms. The company focuses on Dark Fibre, Wavelengths and Ethernet products, with customer focused solutions developed with these. Wholesale, finance, content, media, data centre and enterprise customers benefit from euNetworks’ unique inventory of fibre and duct based assets that are tailored to fulfil their high bandwidth needs. euNetworks was established in early 2002. The company is headquartered in London, with further offices in Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Ireland. Employees are located across these countries to provide local support to euNetworks’ customers.

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Network reach

We continue to add route kilometres in our metro and intercity networks, connecting more data centres, key sites and buildings with fibre for our customers.

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metro cities

connected cities


connected data centres

fibre connected locations

metro route kilometres


intercity route kilometres


intercity kilometres of lit fibre