
Our Flexwave infrastructure solution enables truly flexible bandwidth and routing across our Long Haul network, with rapid service delivery.

This is an evolution of our former euSpectrum solution with some added benefits. The Wavelengths based solution is a scalable multi-terabit network with dedicated equipment. It takes away the burden of having to build your own DWDM network and with multiple bandwidths available, any-to-any flexible routing, and licensed based agreements in place, it offers true flexibility and cost management. The dedicated network equipment is connected into euNetworks’ photonic backbone layer and housing of equipment in your racks alleviates the burden of additional cross connects in the solution. The end points in the solution are pre-built to 2.5Tb on-demand. From a cost perspective, the 100G rates are competitive today, with further price reductions then driven by volume and time.

Key features

  • Same advantage of owning and managing your own network, but without the cost and resource required to do so.
  • Dedicated chassis and transponder cards.
  • Licensed based bandwidth for rapid delivery – once the base network is in place, you can turn up services through licenses. The infrastructure for additional bandwidth is already in place.
  • Competitive pricing with volume and time based discounts.
  • Enhanced SLAs.
  • Transparency, with the ability to monitor your dedicated network.

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We help businesses measure their emissions to meet ESG and sustainability goals

To help our customers achieve their own ESG and decarbonisation goals, we have developed innovative, data-driven tools that provide emissions reporting on network construction projects and individual services.

The euNetworks Carbon by Service Tool

This provides a calculation of the carbon emissions associated with each euNetworks service, allowing customers to report on the environmental impacts of their network services. Our customers can more accurately report on Scope 3 emissions (emissions from the upstream or downstream supply chain), specifically the network connections owned and managed by euNetworks.

Being able to offer flexible bandwidth at scale is a great differentiator for euNetworks. We appreciate things change and our customers need a network in place that can quickly cater to that. We've got a proven track record in building and operating large scale networks and demand for our expertise continues to grow.

Andrew Holder

Chief Operations Officer, euNetworks

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