Dark Fibre

We own and operate duct and fibre based networks in cities and between cities. Our fibre provides the secure base layer to meet our customers’ scaling bandwidth needs.

Well proven with carriers, mobile, data centre operators and web based companies, and across a range of industries, including with finance, media, and corporates, euNetworks Dark Fibre enables access to additional capacity fast, as needed.

Key features

  • European city-wide coverage from a single carrier
  • Rapid turn up
  • Customisable routing
  • Ultra high speed connectivity
  • Detailed mapping of the networks, with unique street level routing in 18 European cities
  • Dedicated Dark Fibre, contention free and secure, linking 559+ data centres and 2800+ buildings
  • Diversity between cities in Europe and into data centres
  • Scalable, providing the ability to add capacity and applications at low incremental cost
  • Suitable for all transmission technologies, with single mode fibre (G.652, G.655, G.654 and G.657)
  • With an SLA time to fix of 8 hours as we own the fibre. This means less risk in operation and more reliability and uptime
  • Advanced fibre monitoring available, giving better visibility of service degradation and preempting potential service loss.

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We help businesses measure their emissions to meet ESG and sustainability goals

To help our customers achieve their own ESG and decarbonisation goals, we have developed innovative, data-driven tools that provide emissions reporting on network construction projects and individual services.

The euNetworks Carbon by Service Tool

This provides a calculation of the carbon emissions associated with each euNetworks service, allowing customers to report on the environmental impacts of their network services. Our customers can more accurately report on Scope 3 emissions (emissions from the upstream or downstream supply chain), specifically the network connections owned and managed by euNetworks.

We own and operate dense fibre networks. We have a proven track record in deploying capital and developing networks at pace for our customers.

Kevin Dean

Interim Chief Executive Officer, euNetworks

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