euNetworks Reports Third Quarter Results

Third Quarter 2010

  • Total revenue of €10.3 million, up 40% from 3Q 2009
  • Recurring Revenue of €9.1 million
  • Gross profit of €8.0 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA of €0.8 million
  • 25 new customers gained in the quarter

London, UNITED KINGDOM – 11 November 2010 euNetworks Group Limited (SGX: H23.SI), announced total revenues for the third quarter of €10.3 million, up 40% from 3Q 2009 and 11% on 2Q 2010. The Group achieved €9.1 million in recurring revenues in the quarter, up 24% from 3Q 2009, with €1.2 million of one offs. Gross profit for the quarter increased by 38% year on year to €8.0 million, and by 7% on the preceding quarter. Gross margin dropped slightly to 77% in the quarter from 80% in 2Q 2010. This was largely due to the timing of costs associated with the setting up of new euTrade routes in advance of taking on revenue and also certain one-off costs relating to Internet Protocol (IP) Transit. The Company continued to carefully manage costs while growing revenues, achieving positive Adjusted EBITDA1 of €0.8 million for the quarter.


About euNetworks

euNetworks is a bandwidth infrastructure company, owning and operating 18 fibre based metropolitan networks connected with a high capacity intercity backbone covering 53 cities in 17 countries. The company leads the market in data centre connectivity, directly connecting over 559 today. euNetworks is also a leading cloud connectivity provider, directly connecting to all key cloud platforms with access to additional platforms. The company offers a targeted portfolio of metropolitan and long haul services including Dark Fibre, Wavelengths, and Ethernet. Wholesale, finance, content, media, data centre and enterprise customers benefit from euNetworks’ unique inventory of fibre and duct based assets that are tailored to fulfil their high bandwidth needs.

Hannah Britt
Chief Marketing Officer
Hannah Britt CMO