Extending our Dublin to London Super Highway, we’ve linked London to Lowestoft and with our new high capacity subsea cable system Scylla, connected to IJmuiden and onwards to Amsterdam.
This entirely new state-of-the-art fibre deployment includes a uniquely micro-routed sub sea cable burial, high performance modern fibre and optimised ILA spacing.
Our subsea cable Scylla is uniquely buried. Its micro-routed cable lay plan, combined with an agile, high-powered jetting system, delivers a cable burial depth of up to 3 metres and a route that is uniquely protected and distinct from other cables available in this region.
The micro-routing follows the contours of the sea bed to lay the cable at the deepest point, with predicted sand wave movement further burying the cable over time.
Two years on from Scylla’s deployment in 2021, a recent burial survey shows that the predicted sand wave movement has increased the cables’ already impressive average burial depth of between 2-3 metres, compared to 0.5-1.5 metres achieved by traditional methods.
This further enhances the systems resilience in a North Sea environment that is notoriously hostile and prone to cable strikes.
Our subsea cable Scylla was laid using micro-routing – following sand wave contours on the sea bed to provide a deeper, more secure burial that naturally increases over time.
Our Super Highway subsea cable Rockabill was used as the location for cutting-edge quantum communication research in the Irish Sea.
We design uniqueness and diversity into our Super Highways, addressing the demand for new fibre connectivity between cities and data centres across Europe.
Our Super Highways aren’t constrained by the limitations of legacy fibre types. This gives us the ability to re-think how a long haul route is best designed.
We develop our networks to support our customers bandwidth needs. Find out more about our latest developments.
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