Connecting key European cities with unique, diverse routes

Super Highways are focused on the routes and regions in Europe where traffic and demand is highest – today that spans connections between Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, Paris and Dublin (FLAP-D)

We design Super Highways with specific route characteristics:

  • The most direct pathways possible, offering the shortest distances to achieve the lowest latency.
  • Avoiding common capacity bottlenecks and regional congestion of existing routes.
  • Where possible offer diverse approaches to cities and metro networks.


  • Achieving the lowest latency possible improves network data transmission, which improves the speed and user experience of the applications of our customers.
  • New and unique routes provide our customers with alternatives to existing routes, giving them physical diversity as well as provider diversity.

You can see examples of this across our Super Highway networks

Our Dublin to London Super Highway provides unique route options from Manchester to London, including diversity that connects to data centres in Leeds, or bypasses it entirely to avoid regional congestion and other routes in the area. 

Or our London to Amsterdam Super Highway, which offers a North London bypass that connects Slough and North London data centres directly to Amsterdam, avoiding Central London congestion and delivering true diversity.


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