Super Highways

euNetworks is addressing the demand for more fibre connectivity between cities and data centres across Europe with Super Highways – new state-of-the-art high-capacity long haul fibre networks.

  • Strategically located and interconnected with key European cities.
  • Leveraging the latest fibre technology to innovate and re-imagine long haul network design.
  • Delivering high performance fibre connectivity, with substantial capacity to meet future high-bandwidth demands from content delivery, high powered compute, data processing and AI model training.

Super Highways combine seamlessly with our fibre-based metro networks and our extensive European footprint connecting data centres.

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Key features

Strategically located and interconnected

Built to meet Europe’s critical demand for bandwidth 

  • Focused on the routes and regions where traffic and demand is highest – today that spans connections between Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, Paris and Dublin (FLAP-D).
  • Super Highways are unique, direct long haul routes that avoid common capacity bottlenecks and existing areas of congestion.
  • Pathways between cities are as direct as possible, offering the shortest distances to achieve the lowest latency for our customers.
  • Route approaches to cities are unique, and our 18 metro networks across Europe offer multiple entry points to avoid existing congestion and deliver direct access to data centres in key areas.

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New, modern fibre

Using the latest fibre technology for optimised performance

Super Highways are built with modern fibre types that deliver key performance advantages over existing legacy fibre systems.

Improved photonic performance

  • Super Highways use modern low-loss fibre types that deliver low attenuation, typically a measured loss of 0.20db/km, improving end-to-end photonic performance (OSNR). 
  • Superior bend insensitivity that reduces flaps.
  • Improved transponder performance that contributes to lower power draw and a more efficient carbon footprint.

High capacity

  • Super Highways are designed to meet bandwidth demand for years to come. We build with high fibre count cable and use fibre with a high bandwidth capacity per pair. 
  • This means that Super Highways have unconstrained fibre capacity and maximise how much bandwidth can be utilised in every fibre.

Flexible fibre compatibility

  • Super Highways cross seas, travel land distances of thousands of kilometres, and connect to metro networks in cities along the way. 
  • Our fibre choices have the best characteristics for each terrain and environment, and are fully compatible with each other.
  • This delivers consistently stable end-to-end performance and low attenuation across the entire system.

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Optimised amplification facilities

Re-imagining long haul network design

The number of amplification sites on a long haul route and the standard of construction used for those sites has a direct impact on reliability, stability and power efficiency.

Optimised ILA spacing

  • The fibre types used on Super Highways deliver low attenuation, enabling wider distances between amplification sites without loss of performance.
  • This means Super Highways require fewer sites compared to other routes in service, which means less construction, fewer resources in delivery and more efficient performance in operation.

Highly efficient power consumption

  • Amplification sites on Super Highways are built with modern cooling equipment that uses highly efficient air conditioning, constantly monitoring and adjusting air draw to use less power when cooling. 
  • This reduces long-run power demands and makes Super Highways energy efficient.

Newly built infrastructure

  • Amplification sites on Super Highways are newly built network infrastructure, using joints, racks and connectors with the latest specifications and long-term service life. 
  • This delivers high reliability and service stability compared to legacy network infrastructure that has been in service for decades – they’ve been subject to years of repeated maintenance and environmental degradation, making them more susceptible to service outages, flaps and disruption today.
  • Super Highway amplification sites are a containerised, modular design that is scalable, secure and includes backup power supplies for resilience.
  • euNetworks own and operate the amplification sites on Super Highways. That means we control access to, and the maintenance of this critical fibre infrastructure.

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Lower carbon impact

Sustainably designed for an optimised carbon footprint

  • Super Highways are designed and built with sustainability in mind. A reduced number of amplification sites in construction and in service means Super Highways use less resources and emit less carbon emissions when being built and when being used, reducing carbon impact. 
  • The sites that are built are optimised for power efficiency, reducing power consumption in service. 
  • Our innovative Network Construction Carbon Tool calculates project level carbon emissions. This allows us to fully understand, manage and accurately report on the environmental impact of Super Highways.
  • Our Carbon by Service Tool allows customers to report on the environmental impacts of their network services, especially Scope 3 emissions – those from the upstream or downstream supply chain – specifically the network connections owned and managed by euNetworks.

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Our Super Highways

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Dublin to London

Over 1,000 km of state-of-the-art critical fibre infrastructure across the UK and Ireland, including the 224 km Rockabill subsea cable.

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London to Amsterdam

Extending our Dublin to London Super Highway, we’ve linked London to Lowestoft and with our new high capacity subsea cable system Scylla, connected to IJmuiden and onwards to Amsterdam.

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Amsterdam to Frankfurt

Continuing our Super Highway development further into Europe, linking Amsterdam to Frankfurt. We’ve delivered new fibre capacity, new ILA sites, and new route diversity.

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Frankfurt to Paris

Expanding the Super Highway system of networks further across Europe’s FLAP-D region, with a shorter and more direct route between Frankfurt and Paris.

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Paris to Lille

The first phase of a larger Super Highway system that will connect Paris to Amsterdam. This Super Highway also offers connectivity to euNetworks’ extensive long haul network across Belgium.

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We're not just addressing Europe's current and future bandwidth demand; we're building Super Highways with all the advantages that modern design and construction have to offer. This means fibre with the latest photonic performance, the most efficient and optimised route designs, and innovative new construction methods that make Super Highways unique.

Toby Williams

Chief Product Officer

Super Highway Insights

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An innovative subsea cable burial that delivers unique benefits

Our subsea cable Scylla was laid using micro-routing – following sand wave contours on the sea bed to provide a deeper, more secure burial that naturally increases over time.

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A network that supports pioneering research for the future of communication

Our Super Highway subsea cable Rockabill was used as the location for cutting-edge quantum communication research across the Irish Sea. 

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New, unique routes connecting key European cities

We design uniqueness and diversity into our Super Highways, addressing the demand for new fibre connectivity between cities and data centres across Europe.

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Re-imagining long haul network design

Our Super Highways aren’t constrained by the limitations of legacy fibre types. This gives us the ability to re-think how a long haul route is best designed.

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