• About

About euNetworks

We believe that bandwidth changes everything, connecting everybody to everything, making anything possible.

euNetworks is a Western European provider of bandwidth infrastructure services. We focus on delivering scalable, fibre based products and solutions to a customer base that is at the centre of technology transformation. Our customers require fibre based data centre to data centre connectivity, both within the key cities in Europe and between these cities, supporting both their bandwidth growth and the performance requirements that their applications demand. Our customers’ needs shape how we develop our network further. We own and operate 18 dense fibre based metropolitan city networks. These are connected with an intercity backbone covering 53 cities in 17 countries. Our metro networks are in London, Manchester, Dublin, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Paris, Frankfurt, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna, Milan, Madrid & Brussels. euNetworks leads the market in data centre connectivity, directly connecting over 559 in Europe today, with further data centres indirectly connected. We are also a leading cloud connectivity provider, direct connection to all key cloud platforms and access to additional platforms. Our product set of Fibre, Wavelengths and Ethernet is bundled to deliver bandwidth solutions for our customers, from euTrade to Cloud Connect, DC Connect, and Media Connect.

key facts

  • Headquartered in London, UK with local offices across Western Europe
  • Leading data centre and cloud connectivity provider
  • Delivering focus products and high bandwidth solutions
  • Serving customers across the wholesale, finance, content, media, data centre and enterprise segments
  • Benefit from a unique duct and fibre footprint owned and operated by euNetworks

Network reach

We continue to add route kilometres in our metro and intercity networks, connecting more data centres, key sites and buildings with fibre for our customers.

metro cities

connected cities


connected data centres


fibre connected locations

metro route kilometres

intercity route kilometres


intercity kilometres of lit fibre

We want to be the category owner for bandwidth infrastructure services in Western Europe for our true fans by consistently over-delivering one or two key benefits.

Kevin Dean

Interim Chief Executive Officer, euNetworks

get in touchview our network

Our Values

The euNetworks team have committed to these values. They drive our behaviour and form the basis of how we operate our business.

We are here for our customers. We understand that they put their trust in us and we never forget it.

We respect and trust one another and all of our stakeholders.

We embrace diversity and inclusion in all that we do.

We demonstrate integrity in everything we do.

We are here to make a positive impact on society and our world.

We are in the game, not just at the game. As one team.